Thursday, November 15, 2007
Lets talk physical issues.
I happen to know that Mya-Lisa has a shoulder issue she would like to discuss, so I thought I'd start a thread.
My question is - what bothers you?
When does it bother you, how does it bother you, does anything alleviate this, does anything make it worse, and how long has this been going on? Details please.
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Oh, this is great, Val! My shoulder really NEEDS this thread right now.
Ok - here's the lo-down:
What's bothering me is my right shoulder. I broke it in a mountain biking spill about 10 years ago. I was airborn then hit the ground, right forearm first, and the impact to my forearm broke the head of the humerus off and also dislocated that poor little decapitated humerus head - lol. (It also broke my clavicle but I don't think that's affecting me.)
Anyway, it healed very well and it was rehabbed successfully and up until recently I almost never noticed it. I lost some flexibility in that shoulder and it ached a bit on rainy days but it's been fine other than that.
But a couple weeks ago it started aching all the time (same as the usual rainy day ache, just more consistent). I've had a ton of work to do on the computer these past couple weeks and I KNOW that's the problem because it's worse on days that I have more to do. And I also noticed that if I don't sit square with my keyboard (and keep my body square with my arms) when I'm typing, it's worse too. I really think I've just completely thrown my body out of whack by staying in one position too long.
As for what makes it better - I've noticed stretching it across my body helps a bit.
Oh, and there aren't really any medical options to help other than using pain relievers.
That's all. I'd loooove to hear any thoughts you have!:)
My left elbow has been bothering me for months. It just hurts to bend it or use it in general.
Some days are better than others. If I don't do a lot of filing at work or keep it bent.
M-L, see above.
Susan, I'll be back. ;)
Hey free medical help. I've got tons of problems.LOL
Left hip at the curve of my pelvic bone. Since March after running 6 miles on treadmill. Anti inflammatories, PT with heat us and massage times 6 sessions and now chiropractor times 3 with more heat us and massage and added spine cracking.
Both thing it's a torn insertion but chiro thinks it all stems from leg length discrepancy and I now have a insert in my leg shoe.
It doesn't hurt when I run but afterwards I'm in tears with throbbing pain and when I get up from sitting it feel like I'm ripping my muscles apart..
Now my other injury is to my left shoulder area. Just pick whatever muscle it is you use when you're trying to remove your sweaty sports bra from over your head and that's the one.LOL
I believe it would really help to do yoga and switch to the bicycle. Do you make house calls?
Edie, I would love to get into your hip issues (after Thanksgiving - I'm working on a neck program for the AM, Susan's elbow issues, and pending turkey plans). In the mean time, PLEASE STOP RUNNING, and screw the sports bra for awhile. ; )
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